Two lots of tennis at once, like those buses I've heard about but never actually expereinced- I think they only turn up in London? But there's the China Open (for the boys and girls, but theyve only been showing the women's matches on Eurosport), as well as the Commonwealth games in Delhi which wrapped up its tennis in a week (take that grand slams). I'm afraid Ive missed much of the China Open, our TV remote broke and while we waited for the replacement (which arrived looking entirely black, sleek, and sexy) I found flicking from Commonwealth games on channel 101 (BBC one) to China Open on 521 (Eurosport) manually somewhat time consuming, thus defeating its purposes as quick flicking. So I opted the the games- seeing lots of swimming, athletics, and all those other sports that no one really cares about but then England wins a bunch of medals so we kinda do, like archery.
Tennis from Delhi wasn't shown much but I did get to see lovely Jamie Murray (sigh, soon to be married :( ) win his first round singles match to a largely empty crowd (literally about 8 Scottish team mates), but alas he lost his second round match and all his doubles. I'm sure I had a screen capture of him playing, but I can't find- it's ok though because he wasn't smiling at all, even after he won. Hope he isn't getting a touch of the Andys? Scotland did have success in the mixed doubles- Colin Fleming (AKA the cute one) and Joss Rae (started off as 'some girl' ended up as 'really good player who held it together') won the gold. Woo, and England won silver in the men's doubles- Skupsi and Hutchins. Sania Mirza won in the women's doubles but only took Silver in the women's singles. The stadium that had been almost entirely empty in previous rounds was packed full and super noisey as Mira played.

She's the Indian superstar you see, young, pretty, and talented she represents India almost single handedly. She's also a Muslim who wears sexy dresses, and says that sex before marriage is ok as long as its safe, and married a divorced Pakistani cricketer. Erm you remember that story right? She was engaged to someone else, that ended and a few months later she was engaged to Shoaib Malik. He, it turned out, was already married to a woman he had never met and had married over the phone. He claimed she had lied to him and he had married another woman over the phone. Well that's ok then Shoaib. Anyway, one quickie divorce later, he and Sania were married.
Men go a little more casual it seems. |
As well as the intensity of the crowd, the heat, and the opposition (Australian Rodionova) there were bugs.
Lots of bugs. Yuck.
This is the surface of the court, as the bugs fall out of the sky. | | | | | | | | | |

Back to China (in our hearts, we never left), and really like to make stuff shaped like stuff huh? The bird's nest staduim for athletics, and bubble cube thing for swimming, and the lotus flower National Tennis Centre. I think the Bird's Nest is best, but still its a nice thought imo. And Wozniaki (who becomes world nu,ber one today) is up against Zvoarava (this year's Wimbledon and US Open finalist). The rain stopped play yesterday, after the Bryan brothers had won their doubles final. So Djockovic had to wait until today to beat Ferrer in straight sets- goodo Djocko- and Woz and Zvon are in a third set even as wel speak. Its a good little match from two players who have played so well this year they both have something to prove, if that makes sense. For Wozniaki it would look bad to lose a match the same day she becomes number one, and for Zvonarava it would help her confidence muchly to actually win in a final. Also there's the small matter of $750,000 for the winner. It's currently a set all, but 3-0 to Woz in the third. Not a true reflection on the match imo as Wozniaki, despite being a grown woman, and world number one, doesn't seem to be able to complete a set without calling for her daddy. Yes, he is also her coach, and yes players on the WTA are allowed to call their coaches on during matches for advice, but still. She was down a break in the first set until he talked some sense into her and she won the set, simalr story in the second only his advice obviously wasn't as helpful as she lost that set. I think figuring out strategy, adapting to changing circumstances in matches, and making split-second decisions is an important part of being a professional tennis player- of course your coach helps to prepare you before the match but you wouldn't expect him to come on court and play your backhands for you if they were giving you a bit of bother that day. Would you?
If you're the one that's gonna walk home with a $750,000 cheque in your back pocket, then you should be the one that actually plays the match. The commentators disagree of course, its a wonderful addition to the game, mainly because it made Wozniaki play better (hmm so might performance enhancing drugs or a three hour mid match kip, doesn't mean it's a good idea). Oh jeepers- she's 4-1 up and he's still coming on. tbh, I'm not sure she asks for him as much as he justs walks on, which is what you get if your dad coaches you I guess. Also, shes got a new ugly dress which is almost the same as the last one but with sheer arms. Just odd.
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